AWS Builders Online Series | AWS Certification | AWS Training |
Aws Builders Online Series 2021
AWS Builders Online Series :
Amazon Web Services Provides various Cloud Computing Services and Programs that can help Students to learn about cloud computing and ML. AWS Continuously provides best services that can help students.
So AWS has once again has launched the Aws Builders Online Series that is going to be held on 8 July 2021. This Series is launched to enable students let know about Aws Core Concepts, architectural best practices, and various demonstration that will help students know about Aws.
In this program various topics will going to be discussed that is going to taught by the Aws Subject matter experts, that will help to gain knowledge about workload on AWS.
What you will learn?
- You will be able to modernize applications
- Solutions about web app development and robust observability
- Live Streaming and remote work on AWS
- Architect data on AWS
- Developers - Let's Code
Why to attend?
- You will be able to learn about cost optimization, web applications, Mobile Applications
- You will be able to do live streaming, databases, remote work solutions, AWS Startup Program
Highlights of Event :
- There will be live keynote and 20+ sessions, get cloud knowledge from AWS Experts
- Technical demos and hands on lab that will increase practical knowledge
- You will be able to get engage with AWS Experts to get ask your doubts and will be answered live during the event
- You will get Certificate of attendance on Successfully completing watching 5 sessions
Timings of Session :
- This Series will be held in various countries.
- In India and Sri Lanka timing is
Timing 1 : 6:00am
Timing 2 : 10:30am
Timing 3 : 3:30pm
Registration :
Link for Registering :